Teenagers VS Adult. Who's better?

Look at our education system,
As students, we have no say in what we learned or how we learned it. Yet, we’re expected to absorb it all, take it all in,and  be able to run the world someday.
We’re expected to raise our hands to use the bathroom, and three months later be ready to go to college or having a full-time job, support ourself and live in our home. It’s not logical.

Students are:
a)    Not confident in their own answers,
b)    Has been made fun of by answering too many answers correctly, or
c)    The students aren’t listening.

And this all really 3 big problems, students has lost sight of their education value and have therefore stopped learning.
Because, we’re told “You don’t get it. You’re only seventeen. You don’t deserve to have control over what you learned”
And this statement,
This mindset,
Are toxic.

It’s gotten to the point where we’ve began to stop listening to ourselves.
Sometimes, I catch myself on a wild train of thought, and stop myself thinking,
“Self, stop thinking about this, you’re only seventeen. You don’t know anything about psychology, what are you doing? Stop.”
And this is me,s omeone who totally believe in the validation of everyone ideas and is doing a TED talk and validation of everyone’s ideas is discrediting my own because my thought don’t come from an adult mind.

When we tried to stand up for something, they criticize us, they made fun of us for standing up for our believes.
And that’s really really bad.
Students question the validity of their own thoughts because they don’t come from an adult mind. Yet, what really separates adult and teenagers in electuality?
Is it an age?
Do we wake up on our 21st birthday with everlasting knowledge?
Do we turned 18 and suddenly have ideas that are worth listening to?
Also, this magical age of adulthood isn’t different in countries all over the world, and hasn’t seems to work so far.
So who’s right?
Or maybe it’s from a teening level of maturity which can comment any age.
But I know a lot of highschoolers and college students that are more mature than some adults though.
So that’s not logical either.
I think that, it doesn’t come with age or experiencal maturity,
There’s a definite biological different between it two, but it comes instead with brain conformity.
It’s no secret that society has a lot of problems that we just can’t quite seems to solve.
And the adults behind them have condition attempt to solving them which is why we hadn’t make any progress.

Asks us about social security,
Asks us about environmental destruction,
Asks us about anything,
Let us now that we matter because we do.
It’s true that not all of us will understand these policy rightaway.

Just because we’re teenagers,doesn’t mean we don’t understand politics, and similarly,
Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean that you do.

Our ideas matter.

- "I'm 17 | Kate Simonds" TedxTalks.

I need to type it all by my own.
If you're going to copy it, please give me credit.

Yup. I sacrifice my time and energy to wrote that.
Because it's so relatable according to the society now.
And i want to let people know about it, and to be more open minded.
I'm sure you've ever been in that kind of situation too, right?
I hate to be underestimated.
Everyone does too.
